1. Sweet beet juice recipe: Measure and pour 400ml of fresh beetroot juice into a pan and heat it gradually. While stirring continuously, add 400g of white caster sugar to the pan until the sugar is fully dissolved. Once the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, bottle it up and store it in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life by a few weeks.
2. Grab a cocktail shaker and fill it with ice. The key to a perfectly chilled cocktail is ensuring that it is served at the right temperature, and the best way to do this is by using ice.
3. Measure and pour 50ml of Captain Morgan White Rum, 25ml of fresh lime juice, and 25ml of the sweet beet juice syrup into the cocktail shaker.
4. Once you have added all the ingredients to the cocktail shaker, it's time to shake things up. Shake the contents vigorously to ensure that all the ingredients are well combined and chilled.
5. Grab a rocks glass and add a few ice cubes to keep your drink cool. Strain the contents of the shaker through a cocktail strainer into the rocks glass. The cocktail strainer will help to remove any ice chips or small particles from the drink, resulting in a smooth and consistent texture.
Garnish your cocktail with a small slice of beetroot or a lime wedge. This not only makes the cocktail look more attractive but also adds a delicious twist to the overall taste.